Important things to know about Shiva Murtis

 Shiva, the God of the Gods, is one of the most powerful Gods in Hindu mythology. He is also the most popular deity among all the Hindu deities. Worshipped not only across the Indian continent, but everywhere wherever there is a Hindu, Lord Shiva is regarded as the God who is responsible for maintaining the cycle of existence. Shiva is the one who maintains the beginning of the universe and he is the one who keeps a check on the end as well. Shiva is the god of Moksha (liberation from reincarnation). He blesses his followers with eternal happiness. While Shiva is very easy to please, if while placing the statues of Shiva someone commits some mistakes, he can bring upon the wrath of the Bholenath too. Following are some important points to be kept in mind while placing his statue at home or in any temple.

As per the Vastu Shastra, the traditional Vedic architecture of India, everything and every room in a house has to have a specific place, specific directions and specific surroundings. Similarly the marble statues of Shiva have to be placed in a particular way when placed in a house or temple. It is only then the positive vibrations from the statue can be felt bringing peace and prosperity. The best corner to place the statue of Shiva  or his Lingam are the north east corner of the temple(mandir), or room.

When talking about placing statues of Shiva, one may wonder which one is better, his statue showing him as a whole or the statue of his Lingam? Whichever statue of Shiva you wish to place in your house, it is important to understand that Lord Shiva is the God that can be pleased most easily. All he expects from his devotee is pure dedication. The Lingam stone represents Shiva as omnipresent without confining to any particular form, thus formless. You may keep both the forms of statues of Shiva in your temple. Along with the Lingam, the most common type of statue placed is that of Shiva in the meditating state or the dancing pose also called the Nataraja pose. You may place both the statues adjacent to each other.

Keeping the mandir always clean is something what the Shiva expects from his devotees. While one may meditate in front of the omnipresent God once in a week, it is necessary to offer him water, uncooked rice, flowers, incense and vibhuti regularly. A diya (brass oil lamp) should be left burning always in front of the statues of Shiva, as has been the tradition.

Worshipping Shiva brings lot of positivity in the life of the devotee. A true devotee of Siva is blessed with wisdom and knowledge. One who bows regularly in front of the Shiva statues is quite patient, yet, can lose temper when it is necessary. As soon as one bows in front of the statues of Shiva, one feels the negativity leaving them, and he finds himself left without worries for every petite issue. Eventually the person is blessed with a long and happy married life. Thus the importance of worshipping Shiva are countless. Offering pure hearted prayers to the God of destruction brings everything but 

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