Why Use Marble for Making Statues of Hindu Gods?


Very few rocks in the world have been used in as many ways as marble stone. This translucent rock allows light to enter and produce a soft glow-like reflection making it an ideal stone for making different sculptures. Other than making marble statues of different Gods, marble is used in pharmaceuticals and agriculture as well along with being used in cosmetics and paints. The high availability and low cost helps it to be widely used across all these fields. Due to several unique properties marble stone is useful in different industries, the marble statue making industry being one of the most prominent one.


Mr Agrawal, the owner of Agrawal Moorti Bhandar, one of the best marble statue manufacturers in Jaipur, shares with us why he preferred using marble stone for making statues of Hindu Gods over any other kind of stones. “The unique property of marble, of radiating the light, makes the statues of Gods shine bright whenever light falls on them. This creates a divine effect on the statues. No other stone can bring that tranquility and serenity in any statue,” he shares.


When asked what the process of making these statues is, he shared, “firstly huge block of marble stone are brought into the factory. These stones are well examined by our experts even before they are unloaded. Once satisfied, the marble blocks are then taken to the cutter where they are cut into desired sizes. Then the sculptures begin their work of carving these boulders. Statues of marble Durga Mata are one of the most demanded products from our outlet. Other than that, marble statues of Ganesha, and statues of Gauri Shankar are in great demand.”


With a huge collection of some of the best marble statues in Jaipur, Agrawal Moorti Bhandar has become a name that is reckoned in the industry.

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