Looking for Best Marble Statues of Hindu Gods

In India, for a majority of the people, the day begins with remembering their Creator. Every festival and every event is incomplete without worshipping God. Hindus, across the world, start their morning by bowing in front of their deities. They believe in bringing beautiful marble statues of Hindu Gods home and place them at the worship area called “pooja ghar” so that it can bring positivity and prosperity. The ritual of bringing white marble statues of Hindu Gods home comes from our ancestors. Daily worship and prayers bring positive vibes and minds in your lives. Placing marble statues of Lord Ganesha in offices or shops brings wealth and prosperity. Whereas, placing marblestatues of Gaurishankar , brings happiness, peace and comfort in family and relationships as Lord Gaurishankar is the symbol of love and affection. Agrawal Moorti Bhandar, one of the oldest marble statue manufacturers in Jaipur . They have been delivering their...